Probiotics For Plants
Beneficial Bacteria Help Plants Access More Nutrition
Which Means More Nutrition For You
Perfect for vegetables, ornamental plants, lawns, shrubs, trees and more.
Ideal for inoculating new beds or growing areas too.
Available to buy CLICK HERE
Formulated to create high quality AACT the easy way
Actively Aerated Compost Tea - Air pump required
Recommended Pump:
Use this innovative Compost Tea Bag to boost your organic gardening.
Pro Bio Brew is made from only the best ingredients, putting nature to work for you.
The microbes in your garden are hard at work 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Expand the microbial diversity and invigorate your soil food web.
Inoculate your plants to better protect themselves against pathogens and invasive moulds.
Support your plant's natural biome, creating a literal army of allies.
Brews 24 litres/ 5 gallons
Special introductory price of only £9.99
(RRP £12.99)
Available to buy CLICK HERE
Pro Bio Brew includes over 800 grams of premium ingredients:
Large high quality re-usable cotton drawstring bag
(25cm x 30cm)
Nettle Leaf
Volcanic Rock Dust
Worm Castings
Soya Meal
Nutritional Yeast
Natural Unrefined Cane Sugar
Humic Acids
Amino Acids
Multiple species of:
Arbuscular Endo Mycorrhizae Funghi
Trichoderma Funghi
Bacillus and Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria
Multiple Enzymes
Available to buy CLICK HERE
Open your Bio Brew Compost Tea Bag and remove both the sachets. Starting with the sachet of microbes and minerals carefully open it and pour the contents back into the bag. Repeat this with the large sachet of worm castings.
Pull the drawstring of the bag closed and submerse it in at least 6 litres of warm (25 - 30 celsius) non chlorinated water.
(Use rain water, filtered water or "12 hour aged" aerated tap water.)
Use the drawstring to tie the bag to the container handle or rim to keep the opening just above the water line. At this point it can be useful to the massage the bag gently underwater to help mix the ingredients.
Place the mixture in a warm location or add a Heat Mat
/ Submersible Heater
/ Heat Belt
or even a hot water bottle and some insulation.
Be aware that as the brew becomes active it can foam to various degrees. Allow space in your container for this and stand the container in place where potential foam overflow is acceptable. Perhaps stood on an old towel.
Introduce oxygen to the brew via an Air Pump and air stone/ diffuser.
Recommended Air Pump:
Hidom 4.0w Aquarium Adjustable Air Pump
This is very important as it helps keep the tea aerobic and encourage the correct kind of microbial life.
Twelve hours later the Pro Bio Brew tea will be ready and active. Massage and squeeze the bag in the solution to release all the goodness thoroughly through the brew. Squeeze the bag over the brew to get the most out of it and then discard the contents with your normal compost. Wash and dry the bag for use again next time. The tea will be thriving full of billions of beneficial bacteria, for this reason it is advisable to wash your hands after handling this product just like any garden compost.
Dilution Range:
From a 6 litre brew you can dilute up to 1:10 for foliar feeding young and sensitive plants, 1:4 for normal use or use neat as a soil drench or for inoculating new beds. Remember to dilute with non chlorinated water.
Use the tea immediately after brewing avoiding intense sunlight (UV.)
Distribute the tea sparingly using a watering can or a pump sprayer making sure to choose a coarse spray pattern and not a fine mist which can actually damage the microbial life. Try to cover as much of the plant as possible.
Coverage will vary depending on your application style and the type of plants your are treating. Large foliage plants like beans will obviously require a greater volume of tea. The Pro Bio Brew Compost Tea bag will make up to 24 litres of dilute tea for normal regular use which is more than enough to cover every inch of a large domestic garden or vegetable plot.
Treatment intervals will vary depending on how depleted your soil food web is. If your plot has been suffering under chemical fertilisers and pesticides then intensive treatment is recommended, up to once a week. Under normal circumstances application every three to four weeks is adequate.
Clean Up:
It is advisable to wash your hands after handling this product just like other composts.
Brewing compost tea encourages a "bio film" to build up on the equipment used. It washes off easily with plain water and a cloth or brush. If left to dry it is more stubborn to remove. For this reason it is advisable to clean the equipment immediately after use, especially air stones, air lines, watering can diffusers and pump sprayers.
In it's supplied for dry Pro Bio Brew can be stored for up to six months in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. After this period it will still work but it's effectiveness may be reduced. Once Pro Bio Brew is brewed it is a fresh product and should be used immediately.
Available to buy CLICK HERE
Further Information:
AACT - Actively Aerated Compost Tea is a revolution in Organic Gardening.
Recommended reading:
"Teaming With Microbes, The Organic Gardeners Guide To The Soil Food Web."
Microbial life seeks out minerals and nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible to plants. The microbes "digest" them making them bio available. Microbes inhabit the rhizosphere (root zone) and actively transport these nutrients to the host plant creating a symbiotic relationship. This means that the food produced from these plants will be more nutritious. They will contain more trace minerals than are found in commercially farmed plants grown in soil depleted of it's food web through the use of salt based fertilisers.
Microbes also inhabit the phyllosphere (leaf surfaces.) Here they feed from exudates the plant creates in order to harbour pro-biotic partners to help compete against and defend from invasive mould spores and other pathogens. This is one of compost teas largest advantages over traditional mulch and compost which don't make contact with the phyllosphere (leaf surfaces.)
Secret Tip:
If you bottle 500ml of brewed tea and store it in the fridge it can last for over a week and may be revitalised again, diluted back up to a couple litres with some added sugar and aerated in a warm place you could breed more beneficial microbes! It's not guaranteed, but can you make it happen? How long can you keep your colony alive for? Will you share it with your friends?